Copyright MMXII - MMXXV
Besides the photography,
this “body” loves to be active and creative
by making music and writings by
There is a lot of stuff to find here for free
It is not in “my” “reality” to keep beings in this realm from these creations because they cannot afford to contribute;
by creating exclusive content that must be purchased
However, the appreciation for assistance to continue these creations comes deeply from “my” heart
If you want to support “my” creations - Every cent helps, thank you -
you can do this by buying some tracks you like or whole albums @Bandcamp or
by donate with the PayPal button bellow
Besides the photography “I” love to write down “my” thoughts and create this beautiful
percussion sound for “hours” on these awesome steel tongue drums
Please enjoy and… perhaps support these creations “I” am presenting to make this world a better place
Through the “Art of Perception” the photographs shows you “my” perception of “reality”,
the beauty and uniqueness in the moment the pics are taken and “we” can perceive
On this website you will find beside the photography, the music and the writings
many other information about Life, Awareness and Self-Creation in this holographic world of illusions,
what “we” call “reality”
May this work inspire some spirit on the “way” by decoding, by remember, by reconnect
and realize what “our” perception of this “reality” really “is”
Yardley Pearson
Welcome to this website!
Yardley Pearson is the ‘nom de plume’ with which “I” present stuff like self created photography, writings and music
Additionally there is a lot of researched material from this “journey” of “mine” in this “program” named “human life”
Perceiving this "existence” in a place in Switzerland near Basle the given name is Ivan
and “my” “body” “is” in the early fifties in terms of the perceived timeline.
Please enjoy the presented stuff on this website!
All photographs, tracks and writings are created by “myself”
copyrighted by © Yardley Pearson Photography
All rights reserved.