Copyright MMXII - MMXXV
Being aware of our environment
Observing the changing behavior of
The trees
The flowers
The animals
The insects
The fruits
The vegetables
Observe the little details
Go out
in the nature,
in the forest
Watch to the sky
It is incredible to see these changes
in a daily basis
Instead of being the whole time
in your digital world
of TV programm-ing
smartphone tipping
and Computer Screens
Thinking that this artificial playground
you have presented is the Reality
All these conditioned human beings
working for these big companies
who willingly play havoc with
our very life-giving environment
They are so conditioned in their jobs
through the illusion of money they earn
Thinking that with that money
they can buy everything they need
Not realizing that all these material “things”
are only here to distract human beings
from the very livelihood
to lose, their “jobs”
to lose, their “existence”
to lose, all this material nonsense
Are they aware of, if our life giving
environment is destroyed,
they cannot eat and drink
the money?
How ill is our so-called “life”
Where human beings let themselves
to BE
these blind and deaf
Not to realize that
they are destroying
their host
like a cancer tumor
to the very extinction
by Yardley Pearson 2018 ©