Copyright MMXII - MMXXV
This serie of two books is available on Amazon
as paperback and kindle
Cover art work by Emerald Orchid
Cover art work by Yardley Pearson
This first volume contains 61 writings
about Life, Awareness and Self-Creation
in this world of illusions.
May this work inspire some human beings
to become more aware to the life situation
we are all confronted with.
Enjoy a few writings from
the volume one
Why do we believe the way that we do?
Are your thoughts even truly your own?
This book takes a look at some controversial topics that very few are aware of,
but that pose an enormous threat nonetheless.
It points out the distractions that currently consume our culture and urges the reader to take responsibility for their thoughts and their own deprogramming in their quest for truth and knowledge.
Author Pearson, likens the current, cultural paradigm to an operating system, and metaphorically suggests that we can rewrite the software to create a program that serves humanity, instead of enslaving it.
He points out the artificial nature of what we call “reality” and postulates that we may shift the experience by becoming perceptually aware and fully conscious.
My German writings not included in the book